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You searched for: tooth fairies

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  • There's no fur fairy for cats because of large amount of fur is too heavy to carry.
  • Distracted by her cell phone, Tooth Fairy takes eyeball instead of tooth.
  • Box of Saliva Green Teeth, parody of Salada Green Tea.
  • A girl goes to the Automatic Toothfairy Machine to get money.
  • A small snake goes to bed, to see what the skin fairy brings for his shedding skin.
  • Teeth tell horror stories about the Tooth Fairy.
  • There's a lesser-known tooth fairy that takes the teeth of your combs.
  • The tooth fairy for sharks gets the most work.
  • Woman living with tooth fairy, surrounded by teeth, says it was fascinating first, but he doesn't clean up, he's out all night and dresses funny.
  • Attorney tells Tooth Fairy 37 years ago, he neglected client's tooth, they ask for 25 cents plus compounded monthly interest and pain, suffering, mental anguish.

You searched for: tooth fairies